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Just about anyone can take out a loan to pay for college, but who wants to be in debt for years (and even decades) to pay back those student loans? If you’d like to stay out of debt while attending college, here are 15 ways...

5 Tips to Set Them (and You!) Free If you’re financially supporting an adult child, you’re not alone. Some parents give money or paid bills for their adult offspring, sometimes for special situations—sometimes as continuing support. Of course, parents are wired to want to help their kids,...

This is a common question people ask when considering life insurance options. And it can get a little confusing trying to determine which choice is best for you and your family. You know that it’s the responsible thing to do, and you want to make...

If you’re like the majority of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, you’ve probably tried different things to generate more income for a variety of reasons. Just about all of us have had something unexpected happen where we needed some quick cash to get ourselves out of a...

No one gets married thinking they will someday get divorced. No one. But it still happens, doesn’t it? Perhaps it was a short marriage with no children, or maybe it was a long marriage with one or more kids involved. Suddenly, you’re dealing with the...

12 Life Skills Your Kids Should Have Before Moving Out We all want our kids to be ready to face the world on their own and thrive, but in order for this to happen, they need certain life skills. The best case scenario is that we...

Everyone knows that it’s a good idea to have an emergency fund, right? And it makes sense. Life is full of unexpected surprises, and having some money tucked away and readily accessible is incredibly helpful when you have unplanned situations arise. Why you need an emergency...

One of the most common things for spouses to argue or disagree about is money. In fact, many marriages end because couples cannot come to a consensus about money—what to spend, what to save, what to buy, what not to buy. Then there’s paying bills,...

Have you ever dreamed of what it would be like not to have to make that huge mortgage payment each month? You can probably think of all kinds of things you could do with that extra money—from funding your retirement to going on a much-needed...

Living and dying are two things that every single person on the planet have in common, no matter their race, socioeconomic status, or nationality. But we often don’t know when death will come for us or our loved ones. If an illness is something your husband...

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